I promised Lucy Ann that my first blog post would pertain to how her little brother, Troy Augustus Waneka. He is not allowed to have sex. Forever. That's right little buddy, no more voicemails directed towards me are allowed to state how you want sex. Sorry, but Jesus will like it better this way.
Alright, with that out of the way I can get some shit done on this bad boy puppy sonofabitch.
It's finals, I'm not even mad... More surprised than anything, especially since I have time to sit in my room and create a blog that I'll probably be to shy to tell people about. I had a pretty easy going semester. I didn't fuck off hardly at all and it really paid off, I'm grinding my teeth because and I'm so bored. So bored, that I re-strung some moccasins I had been meaning to fix. The worst thing about this semester was how sick I got recently, I guess my body hates it's environment and my disgusting habits. I quit smoking over this nonsense. Yeah, that's right, Annalise Elizabeth Lundeen is no longer a smelly chain smoker. I'm not swearing that I'll never have a smoke... that would be a lie. I'm sure this weekend I'll get all kindsa sauced and make someone fork one over, but as for buying and smoking a pack a day, those days are gladly done and gone.
It's finals, I'm not even mad... More surprised than anything, especially since I have time to sit in my room and create a blog that I'll probably be to shy to tell people about. I had a pretty easy going semester. I didn't fuck off hardly at all and it really paid off, I'm grinding my teeth because and I'm so bored. So bored, that I re-strung some moccasins I had been meaning to fix. The worst thing about this semester was how sick I got recently, I guess my body hates it's environment and my disgusting habits. I quit smoking over this nonsense. Yeah, that's right, Annalise Elizabeth Lundeen is no longer a smelly chain smoker. I'm not swearing that I'll never have a smoke... that would be a lie. I'm sure this weekend I'll get all kindsa sauced and make someone fork one over, but as for buying and smoking a pack a day, those days are gladly done and gone.
Besides being smoke free, here are some things I'll currently into:
Hironyous Bosch
Vince Noir
Getting Hives
Psssssst instant shampoo
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